Research Field: Design creativity & innovation, Culture computing and various topics relating to product design
Min HUA is an Assistant Professor at the Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry (ICCI) and received an award of Shanghai Leading Talent (Overseas) in 2022. Before joining the ICCI, Dr Hua earned his PhD in design engineering from Dyson School of Design Engineering, Imperial College London. He received three Master's level degrees from Tongji University (School of Design & Innovation and UNEP-Tongji Institute of Environment for Sustainable Development) and Politecnico di Torino, and a Bachelor’s degree from Hunan University.
Dr Hua’s research centres around the research of design creativity & innovation, culture computing and design application, sustainable design, inclusive design and various research topics relating to product design. Dr Hua has authored five books and published a number of papers in top academic journals/conferences, including three Best Paper Award-winning papers (IASR, CEMA and ICGCCI).