助理教授 上海交通大学 E-mail:


Research field:

1、Stakeholder management in the music industry (including artists, record labels, live sector companies)

2、Innovation management

3、Business model development

4、Marketing strategies

5、Co-creation (including crowdfunding, content co-production and user-driven innovations)


Dr. Jordan Gamble is an Assistant Professor in Cultural and Creative Industry Management. He holds a Bachelor's Degree in Music / Popular Music from Liverpool University, two Master's Degrees (Marketing; Blended and Online Education) and a PhD in Business and Management from Ulster University. Jordan has over eight years of qualitative research experience within the Business Schools of universities in the UK, USA and Ireland. His publications include lead/sole-authored CABS 3* journal articles, book chapters, industry reports and papers presented at international conferences in Canada, Iceland, Ireland and Portugal. Jordan also has experience of teaching and assessment at UG, PG and PhD level at universities in the UK, Ireland and Turkey. He is a Reviewer for six top tier journals and three international conferences, and is a Member of ILM, IAM, EURAM and Academy of Management.

Jordan's research interests lie in stakeholder management within the creative and cultural industries, with particular focus on the music industry in terms of innovation, business modeling, marketing and co-creation. His doctoral research explored how user-centric innovations in the music industry affect the marketing/financial/production aspects of stakeholder business models. Jordan has held Visiting Professorships at Dokuz Eylul University in Turkey in 2018 and the University of Mississippi in the USA in 2017. He has also secured over £105,000 in research funding from nine external funding grants. Jordan was the recipient of the 2018 Babson College Bertarelli Family Award for Excellence in Research. His other academic awards and honours include ILM Accreditation, Fellowship of the Staff and Educational Development Association, and Fellowship of the Higher Education Academy.