时间:2018年3月17日(星期六) 9:30-16:00
Distinguished scholars from Shanghai Jiao Tong University and University of Southern California; Representatives from the cultural and creative industries nationwide
Topic: What My Chinese Students Have Taught Me: The Cross-Cultural and Multi-Generational Dialectical Pedagogy of Media Studies
主 题:媒体研究的跨文化与跨代际辩证教育
Speaker: David Randolph CRAIG, Assistant Professor, USC Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism
主讲人:David Randolph CRAIG,南加州大学安纳伯格传媒与新闻学院助理教授
Topic: 50 Guidelines for Cultural and Creative Industries of Shanghai: A Big IP
主 题:上海文创50条:一个大IP
Speaker: Yuan ZENG, PhD, Researcher, Deputy Director of Management Office of Cultural Affairs, Shanghai, China
PANEL ONE: Social Media Entertainment: Creators, Content, Motivations, and Monetization
Chaired by David Randolph CRAIG
David Randolph CRAIG & Weihua YU (Chinese Social Media Entertainment)
Yi XU & Lian JIAN (Motivations and Tipping Behavior in Livestreaming)
Tianshu SUN & Jinzhang JIANG (Consumer Behavior and Monetization Strategies in Chinese Music Market)
PANEL TWO: Entrepreneurship, Infrastructure and Policies
Chaired by Patricia RILEY
Patricia RILEY & Jinzhang JIANG (Entrepreneurial Leadership in Enter-tainment and Cultural Industries)
Francois Marie BAR + Hernan GALPERIN & Dong ZHOU + Jinyu ZHU (Broad-band Infrastructure and Digital Economy Development)
Jian XU & Yu HONG (China’s New Digital Capitalism: Legal Policies Af-fecting Baidu, Alibaba,Tencent)
PANEL THREE: Design in Big Data; Health-Based Apps and Doctor-Patient Communication
Chaired by Ben LEE
Qian WANG & Gerald Thomas GOODNIGHT (Doctor-Patient Relationships and Use of Health-Based New Media)
Bing XIAO & Ben LEE (Design Principles in Big Data Era)
Topic:The Current Situation and Future Trend of Cultural Industry Research in China
主 题:中国文化产业研究的现状及趋势
Speaker: Jinzhang JIANG, Professor, Vice Dean of USC-SJTU Institute of Cultural and Creative Industry(ICCI), ICCI Co-Director of Zizhu New Media Management Research Center