Art Installation Enabling Branding

Practitioner Professor, HongKong University of Science and Technology (Guangzhou)
International Mentor, China Academy of Art
Guest Professor, East China Normal University
Co-founder of VAVE Studio
In 2007, after graduating in interior architecture at the University of Rhein-Main, Germany, Haijie Hu held the roles of creative director at the pioneering architectural firm 3deluxe and the brand communication firm Atelier Markgraph. In 2013, Haijie Hu and Tobias Geisler co-founded the space experience firm VAVE Studio in Frankfurt, Germany, integrating their respective practices in the field of spatial perception and content narrative into a more focused research direction "spatial experience design", combining spatial narrative. The dimensions of practice are in the areas of interaction and experience.
In 2015, Haijie Hu returned to Shanghai, China and established VAVE Shanghai, leading the Chinese team and applying the practice of VAVE Studio to commercial and cultural projects in China. In 2022, VAVE Shenzhen was established. Facing the changes of the times, emerging cities, emerging industries and emerging lifestyles have demand for narrative and experience, focusing more on the integration of physical space and digital experience, using mixed fields as containers for content, allowing multidimensional experiences to serve the narrative.
2024年5月20日18:00 - 20:00
作为一个创意导向的体验设计公司,VAVE Studio多年实践于媒体装置艺术和商业的链接。把装置作为品牌传播的媒介,并让观众感知并共情。
这次分享,VAVE studio创始人Haijie Hu将用6个成功的媒体艺术装置案例,从需求洞察、技术和商业价值的角度,全面介绍新媒体艺术的市场应用,同时也介绍AI在媒介中越来越多的应用场景。